For thousands of years, the great thinkers of the past used to see the human heart as an organ of cognition and thinking. As our collective scientific knowledge advanced, we learned that the heart is an organ the supplies blood to the vital organs of the body (which includes the brain – our centre for thought) as well as the rest of the body. The cells in our bodies need oxygen to survive and do their functions. Oxygen is carried from the lungs to the rest of the body via the blood. And blood is circulated all over the body by the graceful, rhythmic pumping of the heart.

The heart has a unique feature in that it generates its own electrical impulses. The electrocardiogram, shortly abbreviated as the ECG or the EKG, is an image of electrical waves that is recorded by the ECG machine and printed on paper which is then read by the medical expert. The ECG gives us a peek into the electrical activity of the heart so as to tell us if all is well with the heart or not. 

At our specialized polyclinic and diagnostic centre, we perform the type of ECG known as the resting ECG where by the patient is connected to leads on their chest and limbs so as to study the electrical function of the heart while they are at rest. At our polyclinic, you can be rest assured that your heart is in good hands.